

Ramblings about my so called busy life.

Life is busy.

I woke up early to attend the stake pinewood derby at 9.  I was late (whoops) but saw a few of my cub scouts there.  One of our cub scouts in our bear den won the first place in our ward's race, and then first place in our stake!!  Go pack 576!!  Our stake does our pinewood derby which is awesome, it makes me appreciate living in the North Stake again, and it makes my job as a Cubmaster much easier.

After my short trip to the derby I headed over to help with our Boy Scout camp card sales at Smiths until noon.  Cody complained of an ear infection so when I got home I helped him find a doctor that took his insurance, went with him to the doctor and then out to Cici's Pizza (thanks camp cards!) for a two for one lunch deal.  Both of us ate for about $9!  We went back to Smiths to grab some excess money from our card sales and then headed home to work on our very very sloooow desktop computer.  Hopefully I can get it fixed, if not, it's off to Fry's for us!

I am a very lazy and very selfish person.  I LOVE sleeping in, I love taking naps.  Being somewhere by 9 am is extremely early and rare for me.  I enjoy sitting on the couch snuggling with my pups and watching movies all day, or binge watching something on Netflix (thank you Sherlock and Breaking Bad for addicting me).  I don't enjoy cleaning my house or my bathroom or doing yard work (I refuse to do yard work.. that's a man's job) and I very often procrastinate on getting things done causing me to stress out and creating more work for myself.

For example-here is my counter, over-piled with dishes just waiting to be put into the dish washer. 

Things would be a lot easier if the dishes were put into the dishwasher at the time they were rinsed, but that means emptying the dishwasher and putting away the clean dishes... sad, I know.

I have this stipulation (I don't know if that's the right word, but I'm using it) in my head that the wife of the house should keep things looking pretty: she cooks, does laundry, sweeps the floors, cleans the toilets, dusts and just about everything else.  I do not fulfill this stipulation, I feel like I should, but I don't.  I don't cook unless it is prepackaged or microwavable and only when Spencer isn't home to cook for me, I don't enjoy cooking and hasn't been required of me in our 4+ years of married life.  I don't clean my house often enough (my two dogs make this task almost a daily requirement, which doesn't happen daily, ever), my back yard looks like a forest of weeds, my car is dirty, my baseboards need a good scrub blah blah blah, I'm sure you get the picture.

I am okay with not being the perfect wife my head thinks I should be.

I am okay with it because I work full time, I am a Cubmaster, I fill in for my scout leaders when they are not available or don't have any (which has been every Wednesday since the beginning of the year!), I attend boy Scout Committee meetings because my husband is the Scout Master and because I want to be there, I help with boy scout functions, I substitute in Primary, I help and spend time with my family. 

Things are very equal in the Swan household.  We both work full time, both have scouts, and both have other obligations to fulfill.  So, he cooks and I clean the dishes, he picks up dog poo and I pay the bills, etc.  This set up works for us.  

Spencer started school this past semester.  He's working full time and taking just a couple of classes a semester to start on his business degree.  I also have tax season.  I'm busy from the beginning of January to the end of April.  Spencer has been crazily busy between scouts, school, and work, and as proof, we've eaten a lot of cereal dinners the past few months... I don't complain though, I love cereal!  With Spencer so busy, I've had to contribute more and to learn to have more patience.  ie-We bought barn wood around Christmas to make a bed for our room... but we're currently sleeping on a plywood and 2x4 frame until we can get the wood ready for the remainder of it..This is where my patience is steadily improving... I really want that bed done.

I do a lot of service for my church- between my official and unofficial scout callings, helping out in primary, holding a baby for a mom that needs a break at church.  I also serve my family I pick up my brother up from work, I drive to my mom's house 3 hours away to drive to a baptism that's 3 more hours north. I've realized in the past couple of weeks that I am not as lazy or selfish as I thought I was, I do enough to earn that lazy Saturday afternoon or night binge watching my Netflix shows and ordering chinese takeout and to leave the dishes undone until morning.

While I am not a saint, and definitely have a lot of things to improve in.  I am happy with my current status of busyness vs laziness.  

Thanks for listening to the rant and my unorganized jumble of thoughts.


I love reading other people's blogs.. and then I think about updating my own and then it never happens.... oops.
So here I am, finally updating this thing for the first time in over two years.  There's a lot to write about!

Well, we got married!  I wrote about that a few posts back but I never elaborated.  We got married November 14th 2009.   It was a good day, a little hectic but I think that all wedding days are like that.  I'm so glad everything came together the way it did.  I know lots of people did a lot of work I wasn't even aware of!  We had it at my in-laws house, in their back yard.  It got COLD that night at the reception!  I was nice and toasty warm because of my dress but I could tell others were pretty chilly.  Below are some pictures.. I have more but they aren't on the computer yet.

He got this cake all the way UP my nose!  It was horrible!

We went up to Park City for our honeymoon and ended up in Salt Lake.  We were up there for about a week.  We had an open house reception at my moms house in Enoch the Saturday after we got married so our Utah friends could make it.  I'm not sure where the pictures are of that one are.

When we got married neither one of us had jobs.  YIKES!!
Spencer was working sporadically for a construction company and I was babysitting for my roommate.

In January 2010 Spencer's dad asked me to come and help them out at his CPA firm for tax season.  They ended up keeping me and I've been working there ever since.  I love it and hope I never have to leave.
Spencer got a job that same month working for a medical supply company, he's still there and enjoys it.

I'll update more later!


sharing my excitement!

i am so excited to go to reggae in the desert this year.  i went a couple of years ago with my friend nikki and had a blast! last year i was unable to go because of a wedding and a wonderful trip to yellowstone.  this year i will be going and dragging the husband along (although he appreciates reggae).  i dont even know who's performing this year, im. just. going. and that's that.


wow.. i haven't posted on this thing in a while.  i like the idea of having and keeping a blog, because that's how i feel like i'm involved in other people's lives (and i assume they do the same) even if i don't really talk to them that much, between facebook and blogging, i'm always (kinda) caught up!

anyway, spencer and i have been married a whole 4 months now.  i feel like i'm starting to get the hang of things.. how he likes things a certain way- doesn't like his shirts hung up unless they've got a collar, regular shirts folded into thirds with the front of them facing out, how he likes his long socks folded (wow all i guess i do is laundry!)
i've discovered that i have keep things a bit tidier with him, if not he goes on a rampage of "cleaning" and puts things "away" into special places... (ie- i couldnt find a pair of shorts or my ONE pair of black flats for at least 2 months and i had looked everywhere!!  turns out they're sitting in the bottom of a box in my closet under wedding cards (that are still waiting for thank you's..), folded up blankets and a few other odds and ends)  i wonder what else has been hiding!!!

i've just started working (about a month ago) at my father-in-law's office, helping out for the busy tax season.  i really like it there, everyone is so nice and everyone kinda does their own thing.  i'm not micromanaged like i was at my last makes me appreciate this one a million times more!
spence is working for a medical supply company, he likes it a lot.  he gets to interact with some quite interesting people!  the only downfall (i think) is that he works freaking LATE.  he goes in at 10am and gets off at 8:30, which means that he really doesn't get home until 930, and then he has to eat (his gourmet dinner), unwind and take a shower.. by then its generally 11 and i'm ready for bed!  But he enjoys it, and hasn't complained yet, and it definitely helps pay the bills. 

so i finally fulfilled my wifely duty and cooked dinner last week.  my mom got me THREE (and another one in the works, so almost four) cookbooks for my birthday.... thanks for the subtle hint mom.  anyway, i picked the easy 5 ingredient recipe- pasta, pesto sauce, EXPENSIVE pine nuts, tomatoes, and chicken... it turned out really well i thought!  until spencer sat down to eat it with me.. he liked it, but then had to add some olive oil (which i should have in the first place) and some cheese.  adding all of that definitely made the meal. though next time it'll be better. and no i haven't cooked since, unless you count heating up the spaghettios on the stove tonight as cooking!

okay i'm posting this now, so i dont look back and see that i forgot to post it 3 months from now... since it's happened oh, once or four times.. =]


engagement pics

Spencer and I got our engagement photos done last week. We had a blast taking them. Of course we (mostly Spencer) goofed around the whole time but that's totally us!

Sarah Rose took our pictures... she did a GREAT job!
i'd post more pictures on here but it takes FOREVER to upload them on this thing... so instead, you get a facebook link..


not much..

I wrote this post like 3 months ago... I'm so lazy for not posting it! but here it is!

I've been wanting to blog more often.. but nothing seems exciting enough to blog about, and I never have any pictures to upload because 1. I hate carrying my camera around, 2. I am not photogenic, 3. Spencer doesn't like to take pictures, and 4. I don't have a number 4, I just thought four reasons would be better than three!

So one of the plates on my straightener went out on me, so one side gets super hot while the other is just a little warm. So I've been trying to call the warranty center for a week and can't get ahold of them. I've gotten through once, but didn't have the serial number on me. The rest of the time I get a recorded message from a lady that sounds like that lady from "The Nanny" saying that they are open Mon-Fri 8am-11pm EST, and Sat-Sun 9am-5pm EST and to hold on for the next available representative... and then get hung up on. The liars.

Cody's been in town for the past couple weeks and we were able to hang out a little bit, I don't know how excited he was to hang out with me, but I was excited to hang out with him. Plus he got a free movie and dinner, so he shouldn't complain. We went and saw Orphan a couple weeks ago.. it totally wasn't what I was expecting, but it was really good.

We also went over and visited Grandma Leavitt two Thursdays ago. It was nice seeing her. We also got to see little ms Jenamae. She is so grown up!
Here's a picture of Cody coming out of a tent Jena made him sit in.


Hey there Librarian...

My sister Easten is so funny and creative! Look at this song she wrote about our mom the Librarian.

Sing along with the music!

Hey There Librarian (To the tune of Hey There, Delilah)

~ Hey there Librarian (Mom)

Whats it like down at the library,

You're about a street away

But Librarian, right now it just feels soooooo

far from you,

Crap, are all my books overdue?

You say that's true?

Hey there Librarian

Don't you worry about my late fees

They'll be paid before you know it

Give me one more chance to pay them

Or renew

I'll listen to my choices and decide

Which one is right

Oh the books I have to read!

Oh the books I have to read..

Oh the books I have to read!

Oh the books I have to read....

Books I have to read........

Hey there, Librarian

I know that wait list's getting long

but just believe me 
when I say I'll have those FableHaven books

Back before long

It will be like 
they weren't ever gone
Ever gone.

Hey there Librarian

I've got so much left to pay

If every dollar that I paid to you

Could make all late fees stay away

I’d pay them all

I could check out more books than you all

I’d take them all

Oh the books I have to read!
Oh the books I have to read..

Oh the books I have to read!
Oh the books I have to read..
Books I have to read........

I might seem like I’m kind of bizarre
But my love of books goes pretty far

I’d steal them if I had no other way

Those other guys make fun of us
But we’ll just laugh at them
Because not one of them
Has ever read Twilight.

But,Librarian, I can promise you
That by the time that they get through
Their lives will never ever be the same
And you’re to blame

Hey There, Librarian,
I’ll be good and pay my late fees
Two more years, I’ll be done with them
And I’ll be reading Harry Potter like I do

You know, it’s all because of you
That I can read whatever I want to

Hey there, Librarian
Here’s to you!
This book’s for you

Oh the books I have to read!
Oh the books I have to read..

Oh the books I have to read!
Oh the books I have to read....
Books I have to read........


Oh books.